Friday, July 31, 2009

Kashmir-A parameter to know the will power in humans for co-existance

Kashmir ,it has one part in india and one part in pak ,Personaly I do not much know about this ,we get all information through media and media never go beyond it's own country constitutional theme.It is a queation what kashmiries think about their region,wheather it should be complete country or a divided state between two countries.As both india and pak have nuke bombs.It seems impossible about any solution.In which aspect anyone think to find a solution of this dispute.Can kashmir go beyond nuke bombs and find their definite identity of a well defined citizion.It make me some disturbed when I think that since 60 years both side of kasmiries treated as disputed part in the world.It does not feel good.For a simple certificate a common citizion has to face much and much problems,then what would happen with kashmiries when india and pak both want to prove them their citizion and say other part as slave part.This is very-very unhuman behaviour of both countries with kashmiries.One solution that is some mature that came in my mind that all kashmiries should be given right by U.N. to vote what they want ,india ,pak or a kasmir that is free from our unhuman polititions who can not care and give food to 80 percent of their population.If these countries can give at least 50 percent of human value to their citizions only then they should be able to say that kashmir is their part.
It should be the parameter for both countries how much they have a system,capacity,will power and most important "ablity" to prove them as a country with citizions who work for co-existance.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Get the budget2009-10 on website

Budget may be good upto some extent for farmers.There are no new plans for farmers.It is not mentioned that how much this will successful to improve the situation of farmers.There are no exact plans to remove starvation.
There is only distribution of money to some IIT's,NIT's ,PNU,and AMU and plan to open new central universities in each state.
If government would want then all government funded universites would have given same level as IIT's .And then there were at least four central universities in each state having same level of IIT's and the name"IIT" would be deleted.This name give a comodity like feeling ,that is best ,like dimonds among pearls.This thing should be avoided at government level.

Mobiles and LCD T.V. will become more cheaper .There is no relaxation in taxes for computers,laptops and other engineering materials,I have seen.It will directly effect productivity,if industrial grouth of country is considerd.This will make effect on every aspect to growth including farming.

Finance minister needs more vision to prepare for next budget2010-11.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Report of 'Librahn Commision' -Demolition of mosque

'Librahn commision' submitted it's report today to P.M..It is regarding demolition of a 400 years old mosque by B.J.P. and B.H.P.Although report has to be disclosed to public till now.
Basically 'hindu' is a tribal religion.It has gods with animal body parts.Which shows how much it is tribal.'Trust' ,'worship' and 'magic' are key features of this religion.'Hindus' can not live without 'magic' .While common sense of human is "curiocity",the religion believes "curiocity" about everything is to suspect on existance in god.They want to kill "curiocity"and foree to do 'believe' in everything.
I know the period before demolition of mosque.They collected people on this bases.I can tell you one interesting way of them to prove that it is only 'belief' that exists in the world. "They collectively decieve the person,who want to raise the question on their way.By this they want to prove that one can not raise the questions to a large number of people continuously for infinite time or life time.They want to make tired people in this way and for relaxition they force the person to follow their path." This was the thing I get ,when many intellectual persons became tired to prevent it and they could collect a mass of people for demolition.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Higher Education Reforms in India

Yestardy Yash Pal committee submitt its recommends for higher education to HRD ministry.
10 major recommendations of the Yash Pal Committee are-

1. UGC, NCTE, AICTE, etc. are to be dissolved.
2. These should be replaced by a Higher Education and Research Commission , constituted.
3. Medical Council of India, Bar council of India, etc., are the powers of control. They just do not let the interfere in the administrative functions of research and educational activities.
4. IIT, IIM should give the status of the university .
5. Deemed university running in the name of the institutions should be ended.
6. Nearly one and a half thousand of the country's level colleges in need of improvement.
7. There should be only a graduate entrance examination for all the country. All have to be admitted by this.
8. The standard of education of teachers should be improved.
9. Stop to just earn money by running management, engineering colleges.
10. Recognized universities need to complete the standerds .

These recommendations will be followed by government in one hundred days as minister of HRD said. -By Navbharat times.
It is nice to set up such a committee .I thing that is found in this report is government is hesitating for recommending the forign universities to invest in india.
This shows that our policy makers are not open to whole eduaction system in the world.
They should open all education systems of world for the region,so that one can get education of all types and in all forms .
If government do not do this,it will go centuries back.It will take at least 25 years to educate about 20 to 30 percent of country upto higher education by the bill.As it is looking to be limited on own education system.And after 25 years there is a need of next higher education bill.As this bill will not start to give education to all 1 billion persons of country just after introducing.And this give a big loss to develop about half of the population to higher education for a long time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A good news

After 15 days of being unsheltered Rubina and Azahar get home from maharashtra government.
Their slumdog millionare team also decided to give them a flat in the gift.
I think their friends slumdog millionare team was waiting for that some organization or some person say and then they will provide them 'gift' not 'proper renumeretion'.
I find this in India ,some riches in every field like Amitabh Bacchan etc. want that poor people first take cerificate of ability from them and then go further.If they do not do so they will be ragged.
However this is a good news.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Arjun Tank

It is a news from t.v. channel.Finally Arjun Tank has been included with India army.It is developed by DRDO.It will now go through testing by army.It was being developed since last 35 years.Every time army test it and rejected it due to many faults.DRDO alleged that army do not want to include it .But army says DRDO did not show it's capability in constructing this tank.This became a matter of dispute between them.It is a matter of ego for the government sector so finally it is in the India army.

It shows how Indian government and army works.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why many rich persons and celibraties take ragging of poors.

Lead characters of 8 oscar award winner movie 'slumdog millanionare',named rubina and azaher have been thrown out from their houses.This is done by mumbai mahanagarpalika.Fox entertainment and denny bial ,the producer of movie did not give them their living expences.I saw a mobile on rubina's hand when she was stand on her ruined house.Her father was beaten by the police while protesting.This is the way rich persons insult the poors.Rubina and azahar never did complain about their finincial conditione poors.Celibrarties ego heart by this thing,they did not give them their proper renumeration,even that they are insulted for not to show hungry.How much the person have a repute and celibraty,the relation must be one to one.And never sacrifice money for their ego's .They are just human and help them to remain as a human.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Which type of Indian movies should be.

I am bored with hindi movies because there is always an end of movie with court .There should be some new concept in the movies.People in India do not much like technical things .And this give some drawback to hindi movies.Movie makers should have courage to go forward in accurate direction with technical reasoning in their movies.This is the thing which can create a habbit of accurate thinking in Indian society.This is in the responsibilities of movie makers.They can have a better global touch with this.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why we should vote.

Most of the adults know that maney is the base thing when a new government form in a democracy.Ministers ,member of parliaments etc. have to submitt a huge amount of money before their upper level to take part in the elections as a candidate.It is just like buying a gambling ticket and then playing the game.It is like this ,only after submitting the money ,people enter in politics and try to get votes.And they talk about all the things by which they can get votes.
So why should we hear these political leaders.The base of democracy is already destroyed.How can pillers of system stand on it.
If we vote,or do not vote,political leaders are in win-win situation.Because it is the percentage that count not the number of votes.
But if one decide not to vote in any election ,this means whole the system of country is corrupt and he has no faith in any part of system.Most of us (I know about India) are in this situation.
So why we should vote.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How Can a Democracy Exist In Any Country,Basic Concept Of Structure Of New System

According to concept of democracy,people have to believe on one person and groups of these persons have to believe on one person again.If a person go beyond this belief,country has to pay this mistake to forgive their fundamental rights upto some extent which can extend to death of a mass of persons.So the belief on one person may take several lifes.And if that person is punished ,it can not save those lost lifes.
Trust can not be of hundred persent so the system based on it suffer by ultimate attanuation.It means system will suffer by many factors as corruption,crime etc.Ultimate because feelings and damage produced due to violation of this type of trust go to next generations.And if these generations work under this system,these are basically insulted by those earlier generations,which are responsible for the violation of fundamental rights.
So a pure democracy can not exist in any country and worst thing is that we can not expect from it to be pure.Because all persons have almost same requrements and almost all persons can divert in extreme conditions because all persons are human.
Now if we go to development of human being with time we can construct a system based on this factor of 'timely development of human being'.
We have to make structures of human relations like this that they can not violate fundamental rights with increase of desire of human being.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

'Slumdog Millionaire'-Movie that won 8 'Oscer Awards'

A very simple movie.It just effects on heart .Initialy it is a slow movie but due to being very near to reality it is successful to tied viewers.It is ‘experience’ by which Jamal can move forward in making money but it is love that make him a millionore.
We all know what children of slums are treated in the world.They are in slums because they are not able to save their fundamental rights.And this is the thing they are treated like animals not only by behaviour but also by usefulness of their body parts for the enrichment of powerful persons.
‘Arundathi Rai’ the booker award winner and who is working for “Narmda Bachao Andolan”( To save Narmada river and its migrants), in her book “The Algebra of Infinite Justice”,wrote “The major part of slums (which is about thirty crore) is replaced population from jungles and construting dams all over India.This population is replaced forcefully from their lands by the government of India from its different states.”

This is dangerous data.If this thing remains continue the poverty will increase and increase.And the middle class which think that this is not for them,do not know that one day these powerful persons will replace it into slums by absorbing its fundamental rights.As much people loose creativity in their jobs ,they will continuously depend on higher class for the money,it does not matter how much they earn.
Laws are so weak that for many projects like SEZ(Special Economic Zone),construction of dams etc land are taken away from farmers forcefully by giving them nominal amount of money by the government.And this land is being given to industrialists who make profit in billions and stand in the line of world’s most rich persons.And those formers who are not ready to give their lands are handeled by political party workers .In this process they can be killed by ‘unknown persons’.As much I know no media is ready to tell about them.They are more interested in telling about the products which are results of these industrial units.
This makes a darker line between man eaters and vegetable eaters.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Strusture of castism

According to new castism situation in this decade ,there can be many caste .If we represent the whole Indian castism system as a circle,and consider many circles in this circle,and if we consider integrity of system,about which our polititions talk,then there is one centre of these circles.Each disc(circular area between two circles) represent one caste and it is important that this area is formed because of political pressure that we see in our system of marrige and job search.
So there are many discs each representating one caste.There can be interection between there casts but no relation.This makes a society that is easily understood by our polititions according to their work which is to understand the society and to cover the country easily.They punish persons who do work against this system.As this task break their formula for ruling.And they are not so educated to think beyond every problem they face by free mind.They can solve the problems if society is made under one law(and most easy structure is layered castism structure).
The political parties can be made and break easily and persons can be easily biased on the plateform of caste system.If there is no caste system it is difficult for them to lobby for real development tasks and issues.It needs great work on development and education before doing politics or in parallel with politics.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Diverson of colleges

The colleges at least professional colleges when take admission to the students in the college ,they saw students as a ATM machine .Up to the time when a student study in the college they take large amount of fees and do not provide that level of education as their syllabus are old and not update according to capable to understand the concept of the subject and this syllabus also do not so capable to make students able to make his own industry.
They just create students to teach in those engineering colleges or an executive in non-creative compeny.But the business of colleges continue ,because what they teach A,B,C ,the student has to teach the same thing when he becomes teacher in those colleges.And these colleges make money from new parents .
In this way a huge amount of money goes from people to these group of people.And the product either get good education anyway ,or be in a recycle bin of the country.
In this way our money,time and power become waste and not useful to contribute to the developement of world.