Friday, July 31, 2009

Kashmir-A parameter to know the will power in humans for co-existance

Kashmir ,it has one part in india and one part in pak ,Personaly I do not much know about this ,we get all information through media and media never go beyond it's own country constitutional theme.It is a queation what kashmiries think about their region,wheather it should be complete country or a divided state between two countries.As both india and pak have nuke bombs.It seems impossible about any solution.In which aspect anyone think to find a solution of this dispute.Can kashmir go beyond nuke bombs and find their definite identity of a well defined citizion.It make me some disturbed when I think that since 60 years both side of kasmiries treated as disputed part in the world.It does not feel good.For a simple certificate a common citizion has to face much and much problems,then what would happen with kashmiries when india and pak both want to prove them their citizion and say other part as slave part.This is very-very unhuman behaviour of both countries with kashmiries.One solution that is some mature that came in my mind that all kashmiries should be given right by U.N. to vote what they want ,india ,pak or a kasmir that is free from our unhuman polititions who can not care and give food to 80 percent of their population.If these countries can give at least 50 percent of human value to their citizions only then they should be able to say that kashmir is their part.
It should be the parameter for both countries how much they have a system,capacity,will power and most important "ablity" to prove them as a country with citizions who work for co-existance.

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