Friday, January 30, 2009

Strusture of castism

According to new castism situation in this decade ,there can be many caste .If we represent the whole Indian castism system as a circle,and consider many circles in this circle,and if we consider integrity of system,about which our polititions talk,then there is one centre of these circles.Each disc(circular area between two circles) represent one caste and it is important that this area is formed because of political pressure that we see in our system of marrige and job search.
So there are many discs each representating one caste.There can be interection between there casts but no relation.This makes a society that is easily understood by our polititions according to their work which is to understand the society and to cover the country easily.They punish persons who do work against this system.As this task break their formula for ruling.And they are not so educated to think beyond every problem they face by free mind.They can solve the problems if society is made under one law(and most easy structure is layered castism structure).
The political parties can be made and break easily and persons can be easily biased on the plateform of caste system.If there is no caste system it is difficult for them to lobby for real development tasks and issues.It needs great work on development and education before doing politics or in parallel with politics.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Diverson of colleges

The colleges at least professional colleges when take admission to the students in the college ,they saw students as a ATM machine .Up to the time when a student study in the college they take large amount of fees and do not provide that level of education as their syllabus are old and not update according to capable to understand the concept of the subject and this syllabus also do not so capable to make students able to make his own industry.
They just create students to teach in those engineering colleges or an executive in non-creative compeny.But the business of colleges continue ,because what they teach A,B,C ,the student has to teach the same thing when he becomes teacher in those colleges.And these colleges make money from new parents .
In this way a huge amount of money goes from people to these group of people.And the product either get good education anyway ,or be in a recycle bin of the country.
In this way our money,time and power become waste and not useful to contribute to the developement of world.